Exploring Gemstone Meaning: Goldstone for Confidence + Light + Empowerment
A man-made stone infused with copper particles, Goldstone’s origins are shrouded in mystery and have no confirmed time or place of origin. However, don’t dismiss Goldstone just because it is man-made; its energy can help propel you forward when you most need it.
Goldstone, or the “stone of ambition,” has been known to help those who carry it build renewed energy and courage. Because Goldstone is known to revitalize the wearer and reduce tension, it can increase your personal drive and confidence, making it an ideal stone to wear or carry when you are trying to attain your goals.
Goldstone is also known as a protective warrior stone, whose grounding energy will help you get out of your own head and back down to earth. When the future or your aspirations seem daunting or overwhelming, Goldstone will help ground you and guide you in channelling your confidence.
The reflective and sparkling properties of the copper found in Goldstone are a symbol of the light that can always be found in the darkness, making this a great stone to turn to when you are feeling lost or uncertain. Goldstone’s shimmery and reflective appearance is known to deflect negative energy the same way it deflects light, and, as a protective stone, it can aid you in maintaining a bright and light-filled outlook when times get dark.
Carrying, wearing, or thoughtfully holding a Goldstone in each hand can help you benefit from Goldstone’s confident energy and turn it into empowered energy. The Goldstone’s copper has been known to work with the sacral chakra, making it a great stone for rebalancing harmony in your life and specifically, rebalancing to your passions.
Combine Goldstone with other stones, such as Carnelian or Orange Calcite, to fully access and explore its creative and boundless energy. As both a stone of ambition and a grounding crystal, the use of Goldstone will drive you to follow your wildest dreams, while also helping you maintain a positive outlook on life and your pursuits.
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