gemstone jewelry storage

A guide to picking your perfect

Meaningful Gems

Our gemstones are carefully selected from trusted providers worldwide. No stone is alike; therefore, each HFG piece is uniquely yours.There are so many unique stones out there. Take a few minutes to look over the stones’ properties, and we’re sure you will find one (or many) perfect for your personality and soul.


Tap into your inner wonder, woman. Amazonite encourages you to find your inner truth and live more fully. This vibrant stone brings out the ideas and passions that make you You! With Amazonite, you'll feel a renewed sense of purpose and confidence to express your true self, unlocking your full potential.

shop amazonite


“Girl, don’t do it.” Amethyst is like a good friend protecting you from a toxic ex. Blocking negativity from the environment, it helps you know your limits and when to walk away from things that no longer serve you. With Amethyst's guidance, you'll find the strength to prioritize your well-being and embrace a healthier, more positive path.

shop amethyst


Shake it off! Aquamarine ignites your bravery when facing stressful situations, giving you that extra boost of courage to handle whatever comes your way. This calming stone is like a gentle reminder that no matter how tough things get, you have the strength to get through it. It's your trusty sidekick, always there to help you stay calm and clear-headed.

shop aquamarine

Black Tourmaline

Keep the bad vibes at bay with Black Tourmaline - the ultimate defense against negativity and haters. Let this stone give you the strength to prioritize yourself and leave others' judgments in the dust.

shop black tourmaline

Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate is ultimate mood-lifting sidekick! This magical gem is like a peaceful ray of sunshine, sweeping away resentment and anger, and replacing them with a serene and joyful energy. It's your secret weapon for tackling problems with ease, as it infuses you with patience and calmness, making you a solution-seeking superstar.

shop botswana agate


Carnelian energizes like a morning cup of coffee. It's your tiny cheerleader pushing you to take action and go for it. Focus on your goals and get out there and welcome opportunities that come your way.

shop carnelian


Turn your day around. Chrysoprase helps you take a negative experience and see the positive. Chrysoprase gives you a healthy dose of optimism to help you stay upbeat.

shop chrysoprase


Citrine is like a pocketful of pure sunshine, radiating with enough zest to make your day shine brighter than a disco ball. It's the ultimate motivation booster, delivering a burst of sunny vibes that will have you jumping out of bed with a skip in your step. Say goodbye to those sluggish moments and hello to a radiant, go-getter attitude.

shop citrine

Clear Quartz

Get ready for the ultimate BFF... Clear Quartz is like a positive energy magnet, boosting all the good vibes around you. It’s like having a personal cheerleader in gem form, clearing away negativity and amplifying positivity. Embrace Clear Quartz to attract joy and shine even brighter wherever you go.

shop clear quartz

Dalmatian Jasper

Like the original road trip paper map, Jasper brings you back down to earth encouraging you to disconnect from technology, enjoy the ride and discover alternative routes to your goals.

shop Dalmatian Jasper


Jade helps you flourish and live a fulfilling life while bringing protection and luck on your journey to pursue your dreams fearlessly. This nurturing stone encourages growth and positive transformation, giving you the confidence to take bold steps. With jade by your side, you'll attract good fortune and be shielded from negativity, making your path to success smoother and more enjoyable.

shop jade


With this playful companion by your side, you'll be reminded to embrace your charisma, open up, and celebrate the incredible friendships that come your way. It's like having a personal cheerleader cheering you on and saying, "Thank you for being a friend!"

shop kunzite


Mirror, mirror on the wall…Labradorite encourages you to reflect on your most authentic parts. When you focus on building your intuition & self-worth, you shatter the negative projections others place on you.

shop labradorite


This playful stone is your creative muse, inspiring you to paint your problems in a different light using a mix of creativity and truth. Let Lapis be your magic brush as you transform challenges into masterpieces, unveiling fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

shop lapis


Repeat after me: I am enough! This nurturing stone helps restore balance when those lies we tell ourselves try to creep in. A little self-love can help you see just how enough you truly are.

shop moonstone


Hey, listen up, self-critic extraordinaire! Meet your new partner in crime, Onyx, the ultimate confidence booster. Say goodbye to the need for perfection—Onyx is here to set you free! This gem will have you strutting your stuff with newfound confidence, embracing your fabulous imperfections like a boss.

shop black onyx

pink opal

Pink Opal encourages us to embrace that carefree spirit and go with the flow. Let's release our worries, jump into the playful stream, and let Pink Opal be our whimsical reminder to float, dance, and enjoy the magical ride of life!

shop pink opal


Tackle that to-do list! The perfect workspace companion to spark your productivity and reduce mental exhaustion. Keep Pyrite close when in need of confidence and creative inspiration.

shop pyrite


This little powerhouse of positivity reminds us that we are worthy of all the love and goodness life has to offer. It's like a warm hug from the universe, wrapping us in a cocoon of self-acceptance and reminding us to love ourselves fiercely.

shop rhodochrosite

Rose Quartz

It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes!" But what if the greatest love story was learning to love yourself? You need Rose Quartz, known as the stone of unconditional love, because it fosters compassion, love, and forgiveness, starting with yourself and extending to others.

shop rose quartz

smoky quartz

Roots are what hold us in place when life feels a little shaky. Smokey quartz reminds us to stay grounded. We can’t always fix the chaos around us, but we can protect the peace within us.

shop smoky quartz


Sunstone gives you all the confidence to face the sun & a healthy dose of SPF to block negativity. Let your confidence & creativity SHINE & send the haters back to where the sun doesn't .

shop sunstone

Tiger's Eye

This powerful gem is your secret weapon to rise up and conquer any rival or mental roadblock that dares to stand in your way. With Tiger's Eye by your side, you'll be unstoppable, ready to face any challenge head-on with a playful growl and a fiery determination.

shop tiger's eye


Turquoise is like a magical talisman that sprinkles you with vibrant energy, giving you the power to conquer any challenge that comes your way. It's like having a superhero sidekick shielding you from negativity and guiding you toward a world filled with joy, vitality, and all-around awesomeness.

shop turquoise